NSJ Submissions

NSJ accepts unsolicited submissions throughout the year.

General Information & Instructions

Originality: The journal publishes original (i.e. previously unpublished) submissions. Exceptions are made at the sole discretion of the Newman Studies Journal. Authors must notify NSJ if their submission was originally a conference paper or has appeared in another publication. NSJ does not accept submissions concurrently under consideration with other publications.
Length: Submissions are not to exceed 10,000 words in length (including footnotes).
Title Page: The author's name should not appear on the submitted manuscript itself, but on a separate title page. The title page should include a one-page abstract (approximately 6 lines) and a brief autobiographical description (approximately 2-3 lines), which will appear in the published article if the work is selected. If the manuscript has been delivered at a conference, has been previously published, or is part of a broader research project, please indicate this not the title page as well; be sure to include all relevant information. ​
NSJ COPYRIGHT FORM: If your article is selected for publication, you will be asked to sign and return this Assignment of Copyright form.
Deadlines: Articles are accepted for consideration at any time. Those received by January 1 and July 1 will be given priority consideration for the Spring and Fall issues, respectively.
Submissions: Manuscripts should be submitted electronically as a Word .doc to Elizabeth A. Huddleston at ehuddleston@ninsdu.org, with the subject header "NSJ Submission: (title of paper)." If you would like to send more than one paper, please send each one as a separate submission.
In addition to these general instructions, all submissions must adhere to NSJ's Formatting and Style Guidelines below. Submissions that do not comply with the guidelines may be returned for revision.

NSJ Style Guide

NSJ Book Reviews Guide

NSJ Sample Book Review

NSJ Editorial Guidelines

NSJ Peer Review Form

NSJ Assignment of Copyright Form

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211 N. Dithridge St.
Pittsburgh, PA 15213

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