The library of The National Institute for Newman Studies comprises two complementary parts: a physical print book library, housed at the Gailliot Center for Newman Studies, and a digital collection of archives, which includes the Newman Reader, Birmingham Oratory archives, the Oriel College Library project (coming soon) and thousands of books and articles.
Building on the bequest made by Fr. Giese, NINS has now increased its print book collection to over 3,000 volumes, with additions being made regularly to acquire the most recent Newman scholarship. The library is available to researchers-in-residence through the Visiting Scholars Program and, by special arrangement, to others who have an in interest in Newman. The catalog of the Newman Library can be found and searched here.
The Newman Reader provides access to digital editions of Newman's primary works as well as information about Newman's life and Cause for Sainthood. This digital collection will soon be incorporated into a new platform that will allow scholars to view the original manuscripts alongside transcripts, metadata, and more. With deep-zoom document viewers and a variety of annotation tools, scholars will be able research Newman in new and powerful ways. Please sign up for our newsletter to be informed when this platform is available.
NINS is very grateful for the collaboration with the Birmingham Oratory Archive, which continues to preserve these valuable original manuscripts.
What is in our collection?
NINS digital collections contain the most comprehensive archive of works authored by John Henry Newman, including 200,000+ digitized images of Newman's handwritten papers, 5000+ books and articles published by (or about) John Henry Newman, and an extensive database of the card catalog used by Newman to check out/in books from the Oriel College Library.
How does it work?
Access is simple. Click the button below to access our collections. Some of our collections are private, so be sure to sign up for an account, wait for approval, then you'll have access to all of our digital archives. Keep in mind that new items get added every day, so be sure to check back regularly.
When will it be available?
The project will be launched in phases, starting with content from the Birmingham Oratory Collection, including thousands of never-seen-before manuscripts. The first phase will launch in July, 2019, with new documents added daily. Secondary sources and first edition published works will be uploaded following documents from the Birmingham Collection.
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